Wednesday 4 November 2020

Neuro-divergent Poems #2

I'm stuck in a rat race. Going quickly to no place. No smiley on my face. Hiding here in my carapace. Need to free up my brain, from the torturous pain. It drives me insane. Too hard to explain. Just need to think. Dump thoughts into ink. I don’t want to sink. Going round on the rink. Escape from the shell, from the nine to five hell. Awaiting the knell. Someone please ring the bell. There IS more than this. A peaceful-like bliss. A loved ones light kiss. Just not the abyss. I just need more time. More words, less mime. Mountains, sublime. Too many to climb. I give it my best, put in all of my zest. There's no time to rest, to finish all that's behest. There's a world out there waiting, for idle contemplating. Not for anger or hating, but for mere satiating. Let's put down our tools. Let's break all the rules. They'll have us for fools, yet they are the ghouls. Don't wait for the end or for those who depend. Don't meander or wend. For yourself you must tend.